Kawaii Box Spring 2016 Review + Giveaway

Here’s to another super kawaii surprise box by the lovely Blippo( ´∀`)How’s everyone doing?
If you need a little more ~*~kawaii~*~ in your life, read on to read this review! You can also get a chance to win yourself a kawaii box as well <3
“Too much kawaii” does not exist in my dictionary. And what better way to Kawaii-fy this life even more with a surprise cute package from Kawaii box right? (´ε`*) what a thrill!

As always, the packaging of the Kawaii Box is really cute and simple. For the past few ones I’ve received from them, the design hasn’t really changed. Though I ain’t complaining! It looks pretty neat to me.

Tada ~*~

/my reaction while unboxing/

From the medium-sized parcel, this is what I got!

This mini pouch is the first one that caught my attention(* ´ ˘ ` *) I found that this cutie is really useful for keeping small trinkets such as keys, money, game cards and more! Not too small and not too big either. I really like how there’s a key chain attached to this as well so it’s quite the convenience!
The eggs were the ones I was most surprised with the most though. They’re markers! I did some snaps of my unboxing of the package the other day and you could see my surprised face when I opened one of the eggs lmao c: Though I wouldn’t call them highlighters as what the product says, as I feel as the tip is a little too small. Doodling is fun with these though~

Super cute mood stickers! I’ll probably be using these for journal + calendar moods and such~

Wahh I love getting decotape (#/。\#)!! Another one for my collection~ My favourite print is the flower one c:

My favourite one from the package(人´∀`*)I seriously love getting DIY sweets like these. I haven’t had the time to try this one yet however, but I’m very excited to!

I really like getting Jewel DECO stickers as I like getting creative in where I wanna put them. For this one, I decorated the polaroid film I have with me and Nami~

HEHEHE i just love how this pen stares at u like it wants to eat ur face

This 3D panda card is the cutest(´∀`)♥

I’ve attached the bread, panda card, mini purse, and my ID pass holder all in one on this bag(´ε`*) what do u guys think?

I think it looks pretty cute!

Overall, I think Kawaii Box did a wonderful job for last month’s surprise pack. A nice way to brighten people’s day if I do say so myself(^ ^)If you’d like to get a chance to get one for yourself for free, then read on more for the details!

I’m so thrilled to announce I’ll be hosting another giveaway sponsored by Blippo <3 If you’d like to join, you can easily do so by following the rafflecopter widget below:

Thank you for reading everyone, and good luck! xx
