Japan Candy Box!
In this post, I’ll be featuring & doing a quick review with a box full of Japanese sweets sponsored by the lovely Japan Candy Box (*´∀`*)
It took only about a month to arrive, and I was already filled with excitement when I received it!

Unboxing everything… I notice how the sweets were so colourful and were assorted in different shapes and sizes!


Japanese packaging is so cute (/。\) back in High School, I used to collect really pretty packaging like these and collage them / use them as decorations.

Despite living in Japan for quite a bit, i’m not that familiar with some of these so it’s pretty cool that I had the chance to try them (▰˘◡˘▰)

The pocky that I received is my favourite. It was the first thing I munched down too(´・ω・`)It’s a different pocky flavour that I haven’t tasted before. Although it tastes similar to.. Pepero’s Cookies and Cream? Both are super good (`・ω・´)”

The あわわわわ ぷっちょボール(グレープ)is also one that I really like. I haven’t had these for quite some time so I was super happy when I got to munch on these again ꒰⌗´͈ ᵕ ॣ`͈⌗꒱

All the sweets that I gobbled down were meccha oishii (super delicious)!
As a person with a sweet tooth, Japanese sweets never fail to disappoint me. Japan Candy Box are really good pickers(*^^*) The assortments were great, and it really gives you a taste of the sweeter side Japan💕 (slight pun intended lmao)
Thank you for reading, have a nice day!
Naomi Nikola💓
tee: Kawaii PH Store / shorts: shibuya 109 / socks: Akihabara,
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