forever 21
birthday party
「Oh, why can’t we start old and get younger?」

This blog entry consists of pretty images from my birthday party last June 11: where I celebrated growing another year older with a few friends, cute contraptions, sweets, and heaps of tequila rose.

warning: photo heavy post!
<ol> <li><a href=''>08 Pity Party</a></li><li><a href=''>California</a></li><li><a href=''>Boy Problems</a></li><li><a href=''>Happy Birthday</a></li><li><a href=''>Butterfly</a></li><li><a href=''>Young</a></li> </ol>

let me start with a self-portrait because this photo diary would essentially be filled with us bringing out our inner “I-love-me!” sides hehe(^ ^) oh and yes, that is strawberry Pocky. lmao

Necklace – NAOMI Outer Dress – Mon Lily Inner Top – RoseMairie Seoir Skirt – Milk Club Tights – Milk Club Shoes – Mon Lily Crown – 100yen shop (Tokyo)
I don’t feel 21! Or 20! or any other age. It’s quite strange.. but parties are supposed to help that, right? Looking back a year however, I know that I’m not exactly the same girl I used to be.
To be honest, I’m not quite fond of throwing parties.. but since I only turn 21 once in this lifetime, I thought, why not do something different? So I thought to shake it up a little! Put ideas instead of merely throwing just a party. A photo shoot party! Put on disco lights, alcohol in mason jars, cookies, Pocky and fun ~

Me and Gabby tried doing the Pocky Challenge on cam lmao(っ´ω`c)
Jacket – Yoins (Sponsored) Shades – Candy Stripper Pom Pom Ponytails – Paris Kids Harajuku / Milk Club Cat Headband – Milk Club (Discontinued)

We dressed Mayumi up super kawaii! Look at this cutie ( ´ ▽ ` )💕
Bowclips – Milk Club Shades – Nadia Harajuku Top – Taobao Necklace – Milk Club (Discontinued) Skirt – Takeshita Street, Harajuku / Milk Club (Coming Soon)


[angels or traplords or both.jpg]

To Pat, Mayumi, Gabby, and Ceriseyyy ~~ I’m so glad you guys got to come! cc: Jo, Pauline, Ameena & Jad who left earlier (wish u got to be here!!)

behind these pictures were a lot of silly awkwardness, but fun too! LOLOL

This day was spectacular.
Behind the scenes, the studio had disco lights, drinks, sweets, cute stuff and my friends to share them with! What a wonderful day to spend my growing a year older day than to spend with these enchanting people. Thank you for the laughs, fun, and the memories girls!
Thanks so much for reading guys, I hope you liked it!

Inspirations: Pretty in Pink (1986), “Pity Party” by Melanie Martinez, Larme kei, Aomoji Kei, and getting old tbh
Photographer: Nikko Veloso Make-up: Antonina Joson
