Cardcaptor Sakura Cafe in Ikebukuro

So I got the chance to visit this wonderful childhood favourite – themed cafe in the heart of Ikebukuro. Any Cardcaptor fans out here ( ´∀`)?
When I heard that Animate Cafe was gonna have a pop-up cafe of this beloved anime, I got my friend (who’s also named Sakura! 笑) to book with me right away 💖

Dress – Liz Lisa Coat – Thrifted Bag – WEGO Socks – Takeshita-Dori, Harajuku Shoes – Mon Lily Choker – Paris Kids Harajuku Hair Tie – Paris Kids Harjauku / Milk Club Bracelet – Swimmer Harajuku

The cafe was in the top two floors of the Animate Cafe building ( ´ ▽ ` ) we were really happy we got to book it for the last day! Almost every time frame and days were full already since it’s a really popular anime! hehe

<ol> <li><a href=''>luxury boutique [unfinished]</a></li><li><a href=''>Old Yellow Photo</a></li><li><a href=''>Sakura Card Captor -Tobira Wo Akete-</a></li><li><a href=''>Card Captor Sakura -Catch You Catch Me</a></li> </ol>
today’s playlist is dedicated to warm up your inner magical girl in you ✨

The menu! I swear I wanted to get everything but… 😭 the price…

Wish I went to the center but I got too excited to think properly💦

All the pretty card captor merchandise, exclusively for this event~

My first order✨
The serving was a bit smaller than expected, but delicious nevertheless (´ε`*)

Curry Rice for my friend’s order! yum(^ω^)
The cafe’s drinks looked super mesmerizing, and tasted yummy as well💕 I ordered the moon soda for the drink, and Sakura ordered the Sakura drink (笑)

That crescent-shaped chocolate inside tho(っ´ω`c)

A pic with me n my foodies!! hehe c:

After our meal, we both decided to squeeze in some Milk n’ Cookies too

“mmmm milk n cookies”

And for desert~ we shared some pancakes! 🎶

happy guest!!! ^^^^^

With every food we get, we receive one of these for free 💕

After food time, I dropped by Sunshine City for a little while! Here’s some few pictures I took~

I stopped by Sanrio Vivitix and found all these adorable trinkets 😭 oh, the things I’d buy here if I had millions of yen~ (hint: that’s all of them)

And~ of course, since I was in the block anyway, I wanted to visit the Pokémon center (;∇;)

From the Cafe’s merchandise, I bought this super cute folder with all of the team on it:

Also! Since I went out with my friend, Sakura that day, I also want to share with you what this sketch she made of me(´;ω;`) it’s so so cute! She’s really talented you guys, I’ve seen her sketchbooks! You can check out her other artworks on her Pixiv here. Thank you for coming with me that day girl (-^〇^-)
Hope you enjoyed this sweet adventure with me, let me know what you think! <3
