
Nov 8, 2021
Tokyo’s Vampire Cafe 🥀🖤🍷🦇
Ventured to the lands of Ginza as count Naomeow, along with my fellow vampire comrade count Abelet ^-^ rawr x3 🥀🖤🍷🦇 ♱...

Aug 24, 2020
rainy nights at ginza
Top, Socks, Choker & Inner – Milk Club Skirt – Thrifted at Shibuya Film shots by jnpascual #altfashion #alternative #aomoji #dark

Feb 23, 2016
Pulling Heartstrings
valentine’s Yet another (late) Valentine’s-inspired coordinate involving cute coats, sushi adorations and lots of lovin’ (`・ω・´)” /sweats...